Source code for pycistarget.motif_enrichment_homer

import glob
from IPython.display import HTML
import logging
import os
import pandas as pd
from pybiomart import Dataset
import pyranges as pr 
import ray
import subprocess
import shutil
import sys
from typing import Union, Dict, Sequence, Optional

from .utils import *

# Set stderr to null when using ray.init to avoid ray printing Broken pipe million times
_stderr = sys.stderr                                                         
null = open(os.devnull,'wb') 

[docs]class Homer(): """ Homer class. :class:`Homer` contains Homer for motif enrichment analysis on sets of regions. Attributes --------- homer_path: str Path to Homer bin folder. bed_path: str Path to bed file containing region set to be analyzed with Homer. name: str Analysis name. outdir: str Path to folder to output Homer results. genome: str Homer genome label to use. size: str, optional Fragment size to use for motif finding. Default: 'given' [uses the exact regions you give it] mask: bool, optional Whether to mask repeats or not. Default: True denovo : bool, optional Whether to infer overrepresented motifs de novo. Default: False length: str, optional Motif length values. Default: 8,10,12 meme_path: str, optional Path to meme bin folder. Meme will be used if given for motif annotation. Default: None meme_collection_path: str, optional Path to motif collection (in .cb format) to compare homer motifs with. Default: None path_to_motif_annotations: str, optional Path to motif annotations. If not provided, they will be downloaded from based on the specie name provided (only possible for mus_musculus, homo_sapiens and drosophila_melanogaster). Default: None annotation_version: str, optional Motif collection version. Default: v9 cistrome_annotation: List, optional Annotation to use for forming cistromes. It can be 'Direct_annot' (direct evidence that the motif is linked to that TF), 'Motif_similarity_annot' (based on tomtom motif similarity), 'Orthology_annot' (based on orthology with a TF that is directly linked to that motif) or 'Motif_similarity_and_Orthology_annot'. Default: ['Direct_annot', 'Motif_similarity_annot', 'Orthology_annot', 'Motif_similarity_and_Orthology_annot'] motif_similarity_fdr: float, optional Minimal motif similarity value to consider two motifs similar. Default: 0.001 orthologous_identity_threshold: float, optional Minimal orthology value for considering two TFs orthologous. Default: 0.0 known_motifs: pd.DataFrame A dataframe containing known motif enrichment results. denovo_motifs: pd.DataFrame A dataframe containing de novo motif enrichment results. known_motif_hits: Dict A dictionary containing regions with motif hits for each known motif. denovo_motif_hits: Dict A dictionary containing regions with motif hits for each de novo motif. known_cistromes: Dict A dictionary containing regions with motif hits for each TF found with known motifs. denovo_motif_hits: Dict A dictionary containing regions with motif hits for each TF found de novo. References --------- Heinz S, Benner C, Spann N, Bertolino E et al. Simple Combinations of Lineage-Determining Transcription Factors Prime cis-Regulatory Elements Required for Macrophage and B Cell Identities. Mol Cell 2010 May 28;38(4):576-589. PMID: 20513432 """ def __init__(self, homer_path: str, bed_path: str, name: str, outdir: str, genome: str, size: str = 'given', mask: bool = True, denovo: bool = False, length: str = '8,10,12', meme_path: str = None, meme_collection_path: str = None, path_to_motif_annotations: str = None, annotation_version: str = 'v9', cistrome_annotation: List[str] = ['Direct_annot', 'Motif_similarity_annot', 'Orthology_annot', 'Motif_similarity_and_Orthology_annot'], motif_similarity_fdr: float = 0.001, orthologous_identity_threshold: float = 0.0): """ Initialize Homer class. Parameters --------- homer_path: str Path to Homer bin folder. bed_path: str Path to bed file containing region set to be analyzed with Homer. name: str Analysis name. outdir: str Path to folder to output Homer results. genome: str Homer genome label to use. size: str, optional Fragment size to use for motif finding. Default: 'given' [uses the exact regions you give it] mask: bool, optional Whether to mask repeats or not. Default: True denovo : bool, optional Whether to infer overrepresented motifs de novo. Default: False length: str, optional Motif length values. Default: 8,10,12 meme_path: str, optional Path to meme bin folder. Meme will be used if given for motif annotation. Default: None meme_collection_path: str, optional Path to motif collection (in .cb format) to compare homer motifs with. Default: None path_to_motif_annotations: str, optional Path to motif annotations. If not provided, they will be downloaded from based on the specie name provided (only possible for mus_musculus, homo_sapiens and drosophila_melanogaster). Default: None annotation_version: str, optional Motif collection version. Default: v9 cistrome_annotation: List, optional Annotation to use for forming cistromes. It can be 'Direct_annot' (direct evidence that the motif is linked to that TF), 'Motif_similarity_annot' (based on tomtom motif similarity), 'Orthology_annot' (based on orthology with a TF that is directly linked to that motif) or 'Motif_similarity_and_Orthology_annot'. Default: ['Direct_annot', 'Motif_similarity_annot', 'Orthology_annot', 'Motif_similarity_and_Orthology_annot'] motif_similarity_fdr: float, optional Minimal motif similarity value to consider two motifs similar. Default: 0.001 orthologous_identity_threshold: float, optional Minimal orthology value for considering two TFs orthologous. Default: 0.0 References --------- Heinz S, Benner C, Spann N, Bertolino E et al. Simple Combinations of Lineage-Determining Transcription Factors Prime cis-Regulatory Elements Required for Macrophage and B Cell Identities. Mol Cell 2010 May 28;38(4):576-589. PMID: 20513432 """ self.homer_path = homer_path self.bed_path = bed_path self.genome = genome self.outdir = outdir self.size = size self.len = length self.mask = mask self.denovo = denovo = name self.meme_path = meme_path self.meme_collection_path = meme_collection_path self.path_to_motif_annotations = path_to_motif_annotations self.annotation_version = annotation_version self.cistrome_annotation = cistrome_annotation self.motif_similarity_fdr = motif_similarity_fdr self.orthologous_identity_threshold = orthologous_identity_threshold self.known_motifs = None self.denovo_motifs = None self.known_motif_hits = None self.denovo_motif_hits = None self.known_cistromes = None self.denovo_cistromes = None
[docs] def run(self): """ Run Homer """ # Create logger level = logging.INFO format = '%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s' handlers = [logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout)] logging.basicConfig(level = level, format = format, handlers = handlers) log = logging.getLogger('Homer') if self.mask == True and self.denovo == False: cmd = os.path.join(self.homer_path, '') + ' %s %s %s -preparsedDir %s -size %s -len %s -mask -nomotif -keepFiles' if self.mask == True and self.denovo == True: cmd = os.path.join(self.homer_path, '') + ' %s %s %s -preparsedDir %s -size %s -len %s -mask -keepFiles' if self.mask == False and self.denovo == False: cmd = os.path.join(self.homer_path, '') + ' %s %s %s -preparsedDir %s -size %s -len %s -nomotif -keepFiles' if self.mask == False and self.denovo == True: cmd = os.path.join(self.homer_path, '') + ' %s %s %s -preparsedDir %s -size %s -len %s -keepFiles' cmd = cmd % (self.bed_path, self.genome, self.outdir, self.outdir, self.size, self.len)"Running Homer for " + + " with %s", cmd) try: subprocess.check_output(args=cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise RuntimeError("command '{}' return with error (code {}): {}".format(e.cmd, e.returncode, e.output)) try: self.known_motifs = self.load_known() except:'No known results found') if self.denovo == True: try: self.denovo_motifs = self.load_denovo() except:'No de novo results found')"Annotating motifs for " + self.add_motif_annotation_homer()"Finding motif hits for " + self.find_motif_hits(n_cpu=1)"Getting cistromes for " + self.get_cistromes(self.cistrome_annotation)
[docs] def load_known(self): """ Load known motif enrichment results from file. """ known = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self.outdir, 'knownResults.txt'), sep='\t') return known
[docs] def load_denovo(self): """ Load de novo motif enrichment results from file. """ denovo = pd.read_html(os.path.join(self.outdir, 'homerResults.html'), header=0)[0].iloc[:,[7,2,3,4,5,6]] denovo.iloc[:,0] = [x.split('More')[0] for x in denovo.iloc[:,0]] denovo.to_csv(os.path.join(self.outdir, 'homerResults.txt'), sep='\t', index=False) return denovo
[docs] def add_motif_annotation_homer(self): """ Add motif annotations (based on Homer, cisTarget and meme if specified) """ # Create logger level = logging.INFO format = '%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s' handlers = [logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout)] logging.basicConfig(level = level, format = format, handlers = handlers) log = logging.getLogger('Homer') if self.known_motifs is not None: if self.known_motifs.shape[0] != 0:'Annotating known motifs') # Prepare cistarget annotation if 'mm' in self.genome: species = 'mus_musculus' if 'dm' in self.genome: species = 'drosophila_melanogaster' if 'hg' in self.genome: species = 'homo_sapiens' ctx_motif_annotation = load_motif_annotations(species, version = self.annotation_version, fname = self.path_to_motif_annotations, motif_similarity_fdr= self.motif_similarity_fdr, orthologous_identity_threshold=self.orthologous_identity_threshold) motifs = self.known_motifs homer_motifs = 'homer__' + motifs['Consensus'] + '_' + [x.split('(')[0] for x in motifs['Motif Name']] motifs['MotifID'] = homer_motifs homer_motifs = [x for x in homer_motifs if x in ctx_motif_annotation.index.tolist()] ctx_motif_annotation = ctx_motif_annotation.loc[list(set(homer_motifs))].reset_index() # Prepare homer annotation try: homer_motif_annotation = pd.read_csv(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.homer_path), '..', 'motifs/extras/table.txt')), sep='\t', error_bad_lines=False).iloc[:,[1,11]].dropna() except: homer_motif_annotation = pd.read_csv(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.homer_path), '..', 'motifs/extras/motifTable.txt')), sep='\t', error_bad_lines=False).iloc[:,[1,11]].dropna() homer_motif_annotation.columns = ['Name', 'Symbol'] # If not human, convert by homology if species != 'homo_sapiens': dataset = Dataset(name='hsapiens_gene_ensembl', host='') if species == 'mus_musculus': biomart_query = 'mmusculus_homolog_associated_gene_name' if species == 'drosophila_melanogaster': biomart_query = 'dmelanogaster_homolog_associated_gene_name' human2specie = dataset.query(attributes=['external_gene_name', biomart_query]) human2specie.index = human2specie['Gene name'] # Check that the TF has homolog TF_names = [x for x in homer_motif_annotation.iloc[:,1].tolist() if x in human2specie.index.tolist()] human2specie = human2specie.loc[TF_names,:] human2specie.columns = ['Symbol', 'Homolog'] df = pd.merge(homer_motif_annotation, human2specie, on='Symbol', how='left') homer_motif_annotation = df.iloc[:,[0,2]] homer_motif_annotation.columns = ['Name', 'Symbol'] # We first bind the cisTarget annotation motifs = pd.merge(motifs, ctx_motif_annotation, on='MotifID', how='left') # We now bind the Homer annotation homer_motif_annotation.columns = ['Motif Name', 'Homer_annot'] motifs = pd.merge(motifs, homer_motif_annotation, on='Motif Name', how='left') # If Homer_annot is not in Direct_annot we will add it # Concatenate motifs.Direct_annot = [str(motifs.Direct_annot.tolist()[x]) + ', ' + str(motifs.Homer_annot.tolist()[x]) if (str(motifs.Homer_annot.tolist()[x]) not in str(motifs.Direct_annot.tolist()[x])) else motifs.Direct_annot.tolist()[x] for x in range(motifs.shape[0])] motifs.Direct_annot = motifs.Direct_annot.replace('nan, ', '', regex=True) motifs.Direct_annot = motifs.Direct_annot.replace(', nan', '', regex=True) motifs = motifs.drop(['MotifID', 'Homer_annot'], axis=1) self.known_motifs = motifs if self.denovo_motifs is not None: if self.denovo_motifs.shape[0] != 0: if self.meme_path is None:'Parameter meme_path is not provided. Skipping annotation of de novo motifs') elif self.meme_collection_path is None:'Parameter meme_collection_path is not provided. Skipping annotation of de novo motifs') else: # Find closest match for denovo motifs in cistarget database (as meme)'Comparing de novo motifs with given motif collection with tomtom') homer_motif_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.outdir, 'homerResults', 'motif*[0-9$].motif')) homer_motif_paths = [x for x in homer_motif_paths if 'similar' not in x] tomtom_pd = pd.concat([tomtom(x, self.meme_path, self.meme_collection_path) for x in homer_motif_paths]) ctx_motif_annotation = load_motif_annotations(species, version = self.annotation_version, fname = self.path_to_motif_annotations, motif_similarity_fdr= self.motif_similarity_fdr, orthologous_identity_threshold=self.orthologous_identity_threshold) homer_motifs = [x for x in tomtom_pd.iloc[:,1].tolist() if x in ctx_motif_annotation.index.tolist()] ctx_motif_annotation = ctx_motif_annotation.loc[list(set(homer_motifs))].reset_index() ctx_motif_annotation = ctx_motif_annotation.rename(columns={'MotifID': 'Best Match/Tomtom'}) # Bind cisTarget annotation tomtom_pd = pd.merge(tomtom_pd, ctx_motif_annotation, on='Best Match/Tomtom', how='left') motifs = pd.merge(self.denovo_motifs, tomtom_pd, on='Best Match/Details', how='left') self.denovo_motifs = motifs
[docs] def find_motif_hits(self, n_cpu=1): """ Find motif hits with `homer2 find` Parameters --------- n_cpu: int Number of cores to use. """ # Create logger level = logging.INFO format = '%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s' handlers = [logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout)] logging.basicConfig(level = level, format = format, handlers = handlers) log = logging.getLogger('Homer') if self.known_motifs is not None: if self.known_motifs.shape[0] != 0: # Merge all motifs to file'Retrieving enriched regions per known motif') if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.outdir, 'knownResults', 'all_motifs.motif')): os.remove(os.path.join(self.outdir, 'knownResults', 'all_motifs.motif')) for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.outdir, 'knownResults', '*.motif')): os.system("cat "+f+" >> "+os.path.join(self.outdir, 'knownResults', 'all_motifs.motif')) cmd = os.path.join(self.homer_path, 'homer2 find') + ' -s %s -m %s -o %s -p %s' cmd = cmd % (os.path.join(self.outdir, 'targetgiven.seq'), os.path.join(self.outdir, 'knownResults', 'all_motifs.motif'), os.path.join(self.outdir, 'knownResults_motif_hits.bed'), n_cpu) try: subprocess.check_output(args=cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise RuntimeError("command '{}' return with error (code {}): {}".format(e.cmd, e.returncode, e.output)) known_motif_hits = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self.outdir, 'knownResults_motif_hits.bed'), sep='\t', header=None) self.known_motif_hits = known_motif_hits.groupby(3)[0].apply(lambda g: list(set(g.values.tolist()))).to_dict() if self.denovo_motifs is not None: if self.denovo_motifs.shape[0] != 0: # Merge all motifs to file'Retrieving enriched regions per de novo motif') if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.outdir, 'homerResults', 'all_motifs.motif')): os.remove(os.path.join(self.outdir, 'homerResults', 'all_motifs.motif')) for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.outdir, 'homerResults', '*.motif')): os.system("cat "+f+" >> "+os.path.join(self.outdir, 'homerResults', 'all_motifs.motif')) os.system("sed -i 's/\t.*BestGuess:/\t/g' "+os.path.join(self.outdir, 'homerResults', 'all_motifs.motif')) cmd = os.path.join(self.homer_path, 'homer2 find') + ' -s %s -m %s -o %s -p %s' cmd = cmd % (os.path.join(self.outdir, 'targetgiven.seq'), os.path.join(self.outdir, 'homerResults', 'all_motifs.motif'), os.path.join(self.outdir, 'homerResults_motif_hits.bed'), n_cpu) try: subprocess.check_output(args=cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise RuntimeError("command '{}' return with error (code {}): {}".format(e.cmd, e.returncode, e.output)) denovo_motif_hits = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self.outdir, 'homerResults_motif_hits.bed'), sep='\t', header=None) denovo_motif_hits = denovo_motif_hits.groupby(3)[0].apply(lambda g: list(set(g.values.tolist()))).to_dict() self.denovo_motif_hits = {k:denovo_motif_hits[k] for k in denovo_motif_hits.keys() if not k[0].isdigit()}
[docs] def get_cistromes(self, annotation: List[str] = ['Direct_annot', 'Motif_similarity_annot', 'Orthology_annot', 'Motif_similarity_and_Orthology_annot']): """ Format cistromes per TF Parameters --------- cistrome_annotation: List, optional Annotation to use for forming cistromes. It can be 'Direct_annot' (direct evidence that the motif is linked to that TF), 'Motif_similarity_annot' (based on tomtom motif similarity), 'Orthology_annot' (based on orthology with a TF that is directly linked to that motif) or 'Motif_similarity_and_Orthology_annot'. Default: ['Direct_annot', 'Motif_similarity_annot', 'Orthology_annot', 'Motif_similarity_and_Orthology_annot'] """ if self.known_motif_hits is not None: if 'Direct_annot' in annotation: tfs = get_TF_list(self.known_motifs, annotation=['Direct_annot']) cistrome_dict_direct = {tf: get_cistrome_per_TF(self.known_motif_hits, get_motifs_per_TF(self.known_motifs, tf, motif_column = 'Motif Name', annotation=['Direct_annot'])) for tf in tfs} else: cistrome_dict_direct = {} if not 'Direct_annot' in annotation or len(annotation) > 1: tfs = get_TF_list(self.known_motifs, annotation=annotation) cistrome_dict_extended = {tf+'_extended': get_cistrome_per_TF(self.known_motif_hits, get_motifs_per_TF(self.known_motifs, tf, motif_column = 'Motif Name', annotation=annotation)) for tf in tfs} else: cistrome_dict_extended = {} cistrome_dict = {**cistrome_dict_direct, **cistrome_dict_extended} cistrome_dict = {x + ' (' + str(len(cistrome_dict[x])) + 'r)': cistrome_dict[x] for x in cistrome_dict.keys()} self.known_cistromes = cistrome_dict if self.denovo_motif_hits is not None: if 'Direct_annot' in annotation: tfs = get_TF_list(self.denovo_motifs, annotation=['Direct_annot']) cistrome_dict_direct = {tf: get_cistrome_per_TF(self.denovo_motif_hits, get_motifs_per_TF(self.denovo_motifs, tf, motif_column = 'Best Match/Details', annotation=['Direct_annot'])) for tf in tfs} else: cistrome_dict_direct = {} if not 'Direct_annot' in annotation or len(annotation) > 1: tfs = get_TF_list(self.denovo_motifs, annotation=annotation) cistrome_dict_extended = {tf+'_extended': get_cistrome_per_TF(self.denovo_motif_hits, get_motifs_per_TF(self.denovo_motifs, tf, motif_column = 'Best Match/Details', annotation=annotation)) for tf in tfs} else: cistrome_dict_extended = {} cistrome_dict = {**cistrome_dict_direct, **cistrome_dict_extended} cistrome_dict = {x + '_(' + str(len(cistrome_dict[x])) + 'r)': cistrome_dict[x] for x in cistrome_dict.keys()} self.denovo_cistromes = cistrome_dict
# Run Homer
[docs]def run_homer(homer_path: str, region_sets: Dict[str, pr.PyRanges], outdir: str, genome: str, size: str = 'given', mask: bool = True, denovo: bool = False, length: str = '8,10,12', n_cpu: int = 1, meme_path: str = None, meme_collection_path: str = None, path_to_motif_annotations: str = None, annotation_version: str = 'v9', cistrome_annotation: List[str] = ['Direct_annot', 'Motif_similarity_annot', 'Orthology_annot', 'Motif_similarity_and_Orthology_annot'], motif_similarity_fdr: float = 0.001, orthologous_identity_threshold: float = 0.0, **kwargs): """ Run Homer Parameters --------- homer_path: str Path to Homer bin folder. region_sets: Dict A dictionary of PyRanges containing region coordinates for the region sets to be analyzed. outdir: str Path to folder to output Homer results. genome: str Homer genome label to use. size: str, optional Fragment size to use for motif finding. Default: 'given' [uses the exact regions you give it] mask: bool, optional Whether to mask repeats or not. Default: True denovo : bool, optional Whether to infer overrepresented motifs de novo. Default: False length: str, optional Motif length values. Default: 8,10,12 n_cpu: int Number of cores to use. meme_path: str, optional Path to meme bin folder. Meme will be used if given for motif annotation. Default: None meme_collection_path: str, optional Path to motif collection (in .cb format) to compare homer motifs with. Default: None path_to_motif_annotations: str, optional Path to motif annotations. If not provided, they will be downloaded from based on the specie name provided (only possible for mus_musculus, homo_sapiens and drosophila_melanogaster). Default: None annotation_version: str, optional Motif collection version. Default: v9 cistrome_annotation: List, optional Annotation to use for forming cistromes. It can be 'Direct_annot' (direct evidence that the motif is linked to that TF), 'Motif_similarity_annot' (based on tomtom motif similarity), 'Orthology_annot' (based on orthology with a TF that is directly linked to that motif) or 'Motif_similarity_and_Orthology_annot'. Default: ['Direct_annot', 'Motif_similarity_annot', 'Orthology_annot', 'Motif_similarity_and_Orthology_annot'] motif_similarity_fdr: float, optional Minimal motif similarity value to consider two motifs similar. Default: 0.001 orthologous_identity_threshold: float, optional Minimal orthology value for considering two TFs orthologous. Default: 0.0 **kwargs Extra parameters to pass to `ray.init()`. References --------- Heinz S, Benner C, Spann N, Bertolino E et al. Simple Combinations of Lineage-Determining Transcription Factors Prime cis-Regulatory Elements Required for Macrophage and B Cell Identities. Mol Cell 2010 May 28;38(4):576-589. PMID: 20513432 """ # Create logger level = logging.INFO format = '%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s' handlers = [logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout)] logging.basicConfig(level = level, format = format, handlers = handlers) log = logging.getLogger('Homer') # Save regions in dict to the output dir bed_paths={} bed_dir = os.path.join(outdir, 'regions_bed') # Create bed directory if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.mkdir(outdir) if not os.path.exists(bed_dir): os.mkdir(bed_dir) # Create bed files for Homer for key in region_sets.keys(): bed_path = os.path.join(bed_dir, key+'.bed') region_sets[key].Name = coord_to_region_names(region_sets[key]) region_sets[key].to_bed(path=bed_path, keep=False, compression='infer', chain=False) bed_paths[key] = bed_path # Run Homer ray.init(num_cpus=n_cpu, **kwargs) sys.stderr = null homer_dict = ray.get([homer_ray.remote(homer_path, bed_paths[name], name, outdir + name, genome, size, mask, denovo, length, meme_path, meme_collection_path, path_to_motif_annotations, annotation_version, cistrome_annotation, motif_similarity_fdr, orthologous_identity_threshold) for name in list(bed_paths.keys())]) ray.shutdown() sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__ homer_dict={list(bed_paths.keys())[i]: homer_dict[i] for i in range(len(homer_dict))} return homer_dict
@ray.remote def homer_ray(homer_path: str, bed_path: str, name: str, outdir: str, genome: str, size: str = 'given', mask: bool = True, denovo: bool = False, length: str = '8,10,12', meme_path: str = None, meme_collection_path: str = None, path_to_motif_annotations: str = None, annotation_version: str = 'v9', cistrome_annotation: List[str] = ['Direct_annot', 'Motif_similarity_annot', 'Orthology_annot', 'Motif_similarity_and_Orthology_annot'], motif_similarity_fdr: float = 0.001, orthologous_identity_threshold: float = 0.0): """ Ray method to run Homer. """ # Create logger level = logging.INFO format = '%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s' handlers = [logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout)] logging.basicConfig(level = level, format = format, handlers = handlers) log = logging.getLogger('Homer') if os.path.exists(outdir): shutil.rmtree(outdir) os.mkdir(outdir)'Running '+ name) Homer_res = Homer(homer_path, bed_path, name, outdir, genome, size, mask, denovo, length, meme_path, meme_collection_path, path_to_motif_annotations, annotation_version, cistrome_annotation, motif_similarity_fdr) + ' done!') return Homer_res # Utils ## Show results
[docs]def homer_results(homer_dict, name, results='known'): """ A function to show Homer results in jupyter notebooks. Parameters --------- Homer_dict: Dict A dictionary with one :class:`Homer` object per slot. name: str Dictionary key of the analysis result to show. Default: None (All) results: str Whether to show know or de novo results. Default: 'known' """ if results == 'known': file = os.path.join(homer_dict[name].outdir, 'knownResults.html') if results == 'denovo': file = os.path.join(homer_dict[name].outdir, 'homerResults.html') inplace_change(file, 'width="505" height="50"', 'width="1010" height="200"') return HTML(file)