Source code for pycistarget.motif_enrichment_dem

from ctxcore.rnkdb import FeatherRankingDatabase
from ctxcore.genesig import GeneSignature
import io
import logging
import numpy as np
import os
import pandas as pd
import pyranges as pr
import random
import ray
import re
from scipy.stats import ranksums
import scipy.sparse as sparse
from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve, auc
import ssl
import subprocess
import sys
from typing import Union, Dict, Sequence, Optional

from IPython.display import HTML
ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', None)

# Set stderr to null when using ray.init to avoid ray printing Broken pipe million times
_stderr = sys.stderr                                                         
null = open(os.devnull,'wb') 

from .cluster_buster import *
from .utils import *

# DEM database
[docs]class DEMDatabase: """ DEM Database class. :class:`DEMDatabase` contains a dataframe with motifs as rows, regions as columns and CRM scores as values. In addition, is contains a slot to map query regions to regions in the database. For more information on how to generate databases, please visit: Attributes --------- regions_to_db: pd.DataFrame A dataframe containing the mapping between query regions and regions in the database. db_scores: pd.DataFrame A dataframe with motifs as rows, regions as columns and CRM scores as values. total_regions: int Total number of regions in the database """ def __init__(self, fname: str, region_sets: Dict[str, pr.PyRanges] = None, name: str = None, fraction_overlap: float = 0.4): """ Initialize DEMDatabase Parameters --------- fname: str Path to feather file containing the DEM database (regions_vs_motifs) region_sets: Dict or pr.PyRanges, optional Dictionary or pr.PyRanges that are going to be analyzed with DEM. Default: None. name: str, optional Name for the DEM database. Default: None fraction_overlap: float, optional Minimal overlap between query and regions in the database for the mapping. """ self.regions_to_db, self.db_scores = self.load_db(fname, region_sets, name, fraction_overlap)
[docs] def load_db(self, fname: str, region_sets: Dict[str, pr.PyRanges] = None, name: str = None, fraction_overlap: float = 0.4): """ Load DEMDatabase Parameters --------- fname: str Path to feather file containing the DEM database (regions_vs_motifs) region_sets: Dict or pr.PyRanges, optional Dictionary or pr.PyRanges that are going to be analyzed with DEM. Default: None. name: str, optional Name for the DEM database. Default: None fraction_overlap: float, optional Minimal overlap between query and regions in the database for the mapping. Return --------- target_to_db_dict: pd.DataFrame A dataframe containing the mapping between query regions and regions in the database. db_rankings: pd.DataFrame A dataframe with motifs as rows, regions as columns and CRM scores as values. total_regions: int Total number of regions in the database """ #Create logger level = logging.INFO format = '%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s' handlers = [logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout)] logging.basicConfig(level = level, format = format, handlers = handlers) log = logging.getLogger('DEM')'Reading DEM database') if name is None: name = os.path.basename(fname) db = FeatherRankingDatabase(fname, name=name) db_regions = db.genes if region_sets is not None: target_to_db_dict = {x: target_to_query(region_sets[x], list(db_regions)) for x in region_sets.keys()} target_regions_in_db = list(set(sum([target_to_db_dict[x]['Query'].tolist() for x in target_to_db_dict.keys()],[]))) target_regions_in_db = GeneSignature(name=name, gene2weight=target_regions_in_db) db_scores = db.load(target_regions_in_db) else: target_to_db_dict = None db_scores = db.load_full() return target_to_db_dict, db_scores
[docs]class DEM(): """ DEM class. :class:`DEM` contains DEM method for motif enrichment analysis on sets of regions. Attributes --------- regions_to_db: pd.DataFrame A dataframe containing the mapping between query regions and regions in the database. region_sets: Dict A dictionary of PyRanges containing region coordinates for the regions to be analyzed. specie: str Specie from which genomic coordinates come from. subset_motifs: List, optional List of motifs to disregard in the analysis. Default: None contrasts: List, optional List of contrasts to perform. Default: None (Each group versus all the rest) name: str Analysis name max_bg_regions: int, optional Maximum number of regions to use as background. Default: None (All) adjpval_thr: float, optional Adjusted p-value threshold to consider a motif enriched. Default: 0.05 log2fc_thr: float, optional Log2 Fold-change threshold to consider a motif enriched. Default: 1 mean_fg_thr: float, optional Minimul mean signal in the foreground to consider a motif enriched. Default: 0 motif_hit_thr: float, optional Minimal CRM score to consider a region enriched for a motif. Default: None (It will be automatically calculated based on precision-recall). n_cpu: int, optional Number of cores to use. Default: 1 fraction_overlap: float, optional Minimal overlap between query and regions in the database for the mapping. cluster_buster_path: str, optional Path to cluster buster bin. Only required if using a shuffled background. Default: None path_to_genome_fasta: str, optional. Path to genome fasta file. Only required if using a shuffled background. Default: None path_to_motifs: str, optional. Path to motif collection folder (in .cb format). Only required if using a shuffled background. Default: None genome_annotation: pr.PyRanges, optional. Pyranges containing genome annotation (e.g. biomart). Only required if using promoter balance. Default: None promoter_space: int, optional Space around TSS to consider a region promoter. Only used if using promoter balance. Default: 1000 path_to_motif_annotations: str, optional Path to motif annotations. If not provided, they will be downloaded from based on the specie name provided (only possible for mus_musculus, homo_sapiens and drosophila_melanogaster). Default: None motif_similarity_fdr: float, optional Minimal motif similarity value to consider two motifs similar. Default: 0.001 orthologous_identity_threshold: float, optional Minimal orthology value for considering two TFs orthologous. Default: 0.0 motifs_to_use: List, optional A subset of motifs to use for the analysis. Default: None (All) tmp_dir: str, optional Temp directory to use if running cluster_buster. Default: None (\tmp) motif_enrichment: pd.DataFrame A dataframe containing motif enrichment results motif_hits: Dict A dictionary containing regions that are considered enriched for each motif. cistromes: Dict A dictionary containing TF cistromes. Cistromes with no extension contain regions linked to directly annotated motifs, while '_extended' cistromes can contain regions linked to motifs annotated by similarity or orthology. """ def __init__(self, dem_db, region_sets: Dict[str, pr.PyRanges], specie: str, subset_motifs: Optional[List[str]] = None, contrasts: Optional[Union[str,List]] = 'Other', name: Optional[str] = 'DEM', max_bg_regions: int = None, adjpval_thr: Optional[float] = 0.05, log2fc_thr: Optional[float] = 1, mean_fg_thr: Optional[float] = 0, motif_hit_thr : Optional[float] = None, n_cpu: Optional[int] = 1, fraction_overlap: float = 0.4, cluster_buster_path: str = None, path_to_genome_fasta: str = None, path_to_motifs: str = None, genome_annotation: pr.PyRanges = None, promoter_space: int = 1000, path_to_motif_annotations: str = None, annotation_version: str = 'v9', motif_annotation: list = ['Direct_annot', 'Motif_similarity_annot', 'Orthology_annot', 'Motif_similarity_and_Orthology_annot'], motif_similarity_fdr: float = 0.001, orthologous_identity_threshold: float = 0.0, tmp_dir: int = None, **kwargs): """ Initialize DEM Parameters --------- dem_db: :class:`DEMDatabase` A DEM database object. region_sets: Dict A dictionary of PyRanges containing region coordinates for the regions to be analyzed. specie: str Specie from which genomic coordinates come from. subset_motifs: List, optional List of motifs to disregard in the analysis. Default: None contrasts: List, optional List of contrasts to perform. Default: None (Each group versus all the rest) name: str Analysis name max_bg_regions: int, optional Maximum number of regions to use as background. Default: None (All) adjpval_thr: float, optional Adjusted p-value threshold to consider a motif enriched. Default: 0.05 log2fc_thr: float, optional Log2 Fold-change threshold to consider a motif enriched. Default: 1 mean_fg_thr: float, optional Minimal mean signal in the foreground to consider a motif enriched. Default: 0 motif_hit_thr: float, optional Minimal CRM score to consider a region enriched for a motif. Default: None (It will be automatically calculated based on precision-recall). n_cpu: int, optional Number of cores to use. Default: 1 fraction_overlap: float, optional Minimal overlap between query and regions in the database for the mapping. cluster_buster_path: str, optional Path to cluster buster bin. Only required if using a shuffled background. Default: None path_to_genome_fasta: str, optional. Path to genome fasta file. Only required if using a shuffled background. Default: None path_to_motifs: str, optional. Path to motif collection folder (in .cb format). Only required if using a shuffled background. Default: None genome_annotation: pr.PyRanges, optional. Pyranges containing genome annotation (e.g. biomart). Only required if using promoter balance. Default: None promoter_space: int, optional Space around TSS to consider a region promoter. Only used if using promoter balance. Default: 1000 path_to_motif_annotations: str, optional Path to motif annotations. If not provided, they will be downloaded from based on the specie name provided (only possible for mus_musculus, homo_sapiens and drosophila_melanogaster). Default: None motif_similarity_fdr: float, optional Minimal motif similarity value to consider two motifs similar. Default: 0.001 orthologous_identity_threshold: float, optional Minimal orthology value for considering two TFs orthologous. Default: 0.0 motifs_to_use: List, optional A subset of motifs to use for the analysis. Default: None (All) tmp_dir: str, optional Temp directory to use if running cluster_buster. Default: None (\tmp) **kwargs: Additional parameters to pass to `ray.init()` """ # DEM db if dem_db is not None: if isinstance(dem_db, str): dem_db = DEMDatabase(dem_db, region_sets, name = name, fraction_overlap = fraction_overlap) self.regions_to_db = dem_db.regions_to_db if subset_motifs is not None: dem_db.db_scores = dem_db.db_scores.loc[subset_motifs,:] # Other params self.region_sets = region_sets self.specie = specie self.subset_motifs= subset_motifs self.contrasts = contrasts = name self.max_bg_regions = max_bg_regions self.adjpval_thr = adjpval_thr self.log2fc_thr = log2fc_thr self.mean_fg_thr = mean_fg_thr self.motif_hit_thr = motif_hit_thr self.n_cpu = n_cpu # For Shuffle background options self.cluster_buster_path = cluster_buster_path self.path_to_genome_fasta = path_to_genome_fasta self.path_to_motifs = path_to_motifs # For promoter awareness self.genome_annotation = genome_annotation self.promoter_space = promoter_space # For annotation self.annotation_version = annotation_version self.motif_annotation = motif_annotation self.path_to_motif_annotations = path_to_motif_annotations self.motif_similarity_fdr = motif_similarity_fdr self.orthologous_identity_threshold = orthologous_identity_threshold # Tmp self.tmp_dir = tmp_dir # Info self.motif_enrichment = None self.motif_hits = None self.cistromes = None if dem_db is not None:, **kwargs)
[docs] def run(self, dem_db_scores, **kwargs): """ Run DEM Parameters --------- dem_db_scores: pd.DataFrame A dataframe containing maximum CRM score for each motif in each regions. **kwargs Additional parameters to pass to `ray.init()` """ # Create logger level = logging.INFO format = '%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s' handlers = [logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout)] logging.basicConfig(level = level, format = format, handlers = handlers) log = logging.getLogger('DEM') contrast_keys=[x for x in self.region_sets.keys()] region_sets_names = {key: self.regions_to_db[key]['Query'].tolist() for key in self.regions_to_db.keys()} if self.contrasts == 'Other': if len(self.region_sets) > 1: levels=list(self.region_sets.keys()) contrasts=[[[x], levels[:levels.index(x)] + levels[levels.index(x)+1:]] for x in levels] contrasts_names=levels else: contrasts = [[self.region_sets.keys()[0]],['Shuffle']] contrasts_names = [self.region_sets.keys()[0] + '_VS_Shuffle'] elif isinstance(self.contrasts, list): contrasts = self.contrasts contrasts_names=['_'.join(contrasts[i][0]) + '_VS_' +'_'.join(contrasts[i][1]) for i in range(len(contrasts))] for i in range(len(contrasts)): self.regions_to_db[contrasts_names[i]] = pd.concat([self.regions_to_db[x] for x in contrasts[i][0]]) elif self.contrasts == 'Shuffle': levels=list(self.region_sets.keys()) contrasts=[[[x], 'Shuffle'] for x in levels] contrasts_names=levels # Get region groups'Creating contrast groups') region_groups = [create_groups(contrast = contrasts[x], region_sets_names = region_sets_names, max_bg_regions = self.max_bg_regions, path_to_genome_fasta = self.path_to_genome_fasta, path_to_regions_fasta = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, contrasts_names[x] +'.fa'), cbust_path = self.cluster_buster_path, path_to_motifs = self.path_to_motifs, annotation = self.genome_annotation, promoter_space = self.promoter_space, motifs = dem_db_scores.index.tolist(), n_cpu = self.n_cpu, **kwargs) for x in range(len(contrasts))] # Compute p-val and log2FC if self.n_cpu > len(region_groups): self.n_cpu = len(region_groups) if self.n_cpu > 1: ray.init(num_cpus=self.n_cpu, **kwargs) sys.stderr = null DEM_list = ray.get([DEM_internal_ray.remote(dem_db_scores, region_groups[i], contrasts_names[i], adjpval_thr = self.adjpval_thr, log2fc_thr = self.log2fc_thr, mean_fg_thr = self.mean_fg_thr, motif_hit_thr = self.motif_hit_thr) for i in range(len(contrasts))]) ray.shutdown() sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__ else: DEM_list = [DEM_internal(dem_db_scores, region_groups[i], contrasts_names[i], adjpval_thr = self.adjpval_thr, log2fc_thr = self.log2fc_thr, mean_fg_thr = self.mean_fg_thr, motif_hit_thr = self.motif_hit_thr) for i in range(len(contrasts))] self.motif_enrichment = {contrasts_names[i]: DEM_list[i][0] for i in range(len(DEM_list))} db_motif_hits = {contrasts_names[i]: DEM_list[i][1] for i in range(len(DEM_list))} # Add annotation and logo self.add_motif_annotation_dem() # Format motif hits rs_motif_hits = {name_1: {name_2: list(set(self.regions_to_db[name_1].loc[self.regions_to_db[name_1]['Query'].isin(db_motif_hits[name_1][name_2]), 'Target'].tolist())) for name_2 in db_motif_hits[name_1].keys()} for name_1 in contrasts_names} self.motif_hits = {'Database': db_motif_hits, 'Region_set': rs_motif_hits} # TF cistromes'Forming cistromes') cistromes_db = {key: get_cistromes_per_region_set(self.motif_enrichment[key], self.motif_hits['Database'][key], self.motif_annotation) for key in self.motif_enrichment.keys()} cistromed_rs = {key: get_cistromes_per_region_set(self.motif_enrichment[key], self.motif_hits['Region_set'][key], self.motif_annotation) for key in self.motif_enrichment.keys()} self.cistromes = {'Database': cistromes_db, 'Region_set': cistromed_rs}'Done!')
[docs] def add_motif_annotation_dem(self, add_logo: Optional[bool] = True): """ Add motif annotation Parameters --------- add_logo: boolean, optional Whether to add the motif logo to the motif enrichment dataframe """ # Create DEM logger level = logging.INFO format = '%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s' handlers = [logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout)] logging.basicConfig(level=level, format=format, handlers=handlers) log = logging.getLogger('DEM') # Read motif annotation. try: annot_df = load_motif_annotations(self.specie, self.annotation_version, fname=self.path_to_motif_annotations, motif_similarity_fdr = self.motif_similarity_fdr, orthologous_identity_threshold = self.orthologous_identity_threshold) motif_enrichment_dict_w_annot = {key: pd.concat([self.motif_enrichment[key], annot_df], axis=1, sort=False).loc[self.motif_enrichment[key].index.tolist(),:] for key in self.motif_enrichment.keys()} except:'Unable to load annotation for ' + self.specie) annot_df = None motif_enrichment_dict_w_annot = self.motif_enrichment # Add info to elements in dict if add_logo == True: for key in self.motif_enrichment.keys(): motif_enrichment_dict_w_annot[key]['Logo']=['<img src="' +'' + self.annotation_version + '/logos/'+ motif_enrichment_dict_w_annot[key].index.tolist()[i] + '.png' + '" width="200" >' for i in range(motif_enrichment_dict_w_annot[key].shape[0])] if annot_df is not None: motif_enrichment_dict_w_annot = {key: motif_enrichment_dict_w_annot[key][sum([['Logo', 'Contrast'], self.motif_annotation, ['Log2FC', 'Adjusted_pval', 'Mean_fg', 'Mean_bg', 'Motif_hit_thr', 'Motif_hits']], [])] for key in motif_enrichment_dict_w_annot.keys()} else: motif_enrichment_dict_w_annot = {key: motif_enrichment_dict_w_annot[key][['Logo', 'Contrast', 'Log2FC', 'Adjusted_pval', 'Mean_fg', 'Mean_bg', 'Motif_hit_thr', 'Motif_hits']] for key in motif_enrichment_dict_w_annot.keys()} else: if annot_df is not None: motif_enrichment_dict_w_annot = {key: motif_enrichment_dict_w_annot[key][sum([['Contrast'], self.motif_annotation, ['Log2FC', 'Adjusted_pval', 'Mean_fg', 'Mean_bg', 'Motif_hit_thr', 'Motif_hits']],[])] for key in motif_enrichment_dict_w_annot.keys()} else: motif_enrichment_dict_w_annot = {key: motif_enrichment_dict_w_annot[key][['Contrast', 'Log2FC', 'Adjusted_pval', 'Mean_fg', 'Mean_bg', 'Motif_hit_thr', 'Motif_hits']] for key in motif_enrichment_dict_w_annot.keys()} self.motif_enrichment = motif_enrichment_dict_w_annot
[docs] def DEM_results(self, name: Optional[str] = None): """ Print motif enrichment table as HTML """ motif_enrichment_dict = self.motif_enrichment if name is None: motif_enrichment_table=pd.concat([motif_enrichment_dict[key] for key in motif_enrichment_dict.keys()], axis=0, sort=False) else: motif_enrichment_table=motif_enrichment_dict[name] return HTML(motif_enrichment_table.to_html(escape=False, col_space=80))
# Utils ## Shuffle sequences for shuffle background
[docs]def shuffle_sequence(sequence: str): """ Shuffle given sequence """ shuffled_sequence = np.frombuffer(sequence.encode('utf-8'), dtype='uint8') np.random.shuffle(shuffled_sequence) return shuffled_sequence.tobytes().decode('utf-8')
## Create groups to compare
[docs]def create_groups(contrast: list, region_sets_names: list, max_bg_regions: int, path_to_genome_fasta: str, path_to_regions_fasta: str, cbust_path: str, path_to_motifs: str, annotation: pr.PyRanges = None, promoter_space: int = 1000, motifs: list = None, n_cpu: int = 1, **kwargs): """" Format contrast groups """ # Create DEM logger level = logging.INFO format = '%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s' handlers = [logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout)] logging.basicConfig(level=level, format=format, handlers=handlers) log = logging.getLogger('DEM') foreground = list(set(sum([region_sets_names[key] for key in contrast[0]],[]))) if contrast[1] != 'Shuffle': background = list(set(sum([region_sets_names[key] for key in contrast[1]],[]))) background = list(np.setdiff1d(background,foreground)) if max_bg_regions is not None: if annotation is None: random.Random(555).shuffle(background) background = background[0:max_bg_regions] else: # Annotation of promoters annotation['End'] = annotation['Start']+promoter_space annotation['Start'] = annotation['Start']-promoter_space annotation = pr.PyRanges(annotation[['Chromosome', 'Start', 'End']]) # Nr of promoters in the foreground fg_pr_overlap = pr.PyRanges(region_names_to_coordinates(foreground)).count_overlaps(annotation) fg_pr = coord_to_region_names(fg_pr_overlap[fg_pr_overlap.NumberOverlaps != 0]) if len(fg_pr) == len(foreground): nr_pr = max_bg_regions elif len(fg_pr) == 0: nr_pr = 0 else: fg_pr = coord_to_region_names(fg_pr_overlap[fg_pr_overlap.NumberOverlaps != 0][['Chromosome', 'Start', 'End']]) fg_no_pr = coord_to_region_names(fg_pr_overlap[fg_pr_overlap.NumberOverlaps == 0][['Chromosome', 'Start', 'End']]) nr_pr = int(max_bg_regions*(len(fg_pr)/(len(fg_pr) + len(fg_no_pr)))) nr_no_pr = max_bg_regions-nr_pr # Nr of promoters in the background bg_pr_overlap = pr.PyRanges(region_names_to_coordinates(background)).count_overlaps(annotation) bg_pr = coord_to_region_names(bg_pr_overlap[bg_pr_overlap.NumberOverlaps != 0][['Chromosome', 'Start', 'End']]) bg_no_pr = coord_to_region_names(bg_pr_overlap[bg_pr_overlap.NumberOverlaps == 0][['Chromosome', 'Start', 'End']]) if len(bg_pr) < nr_pr: nr_pr = len(bg_pr) nr_no_pr = max_bg_regions-nr_pr if len(bg_no_pr) < nr_no_pr: nr_no_pr = len(bg_no_pr) # For promoters bg_pr_subset = bg_pr.copy() random.Random(555).shuffle(bg_pr_subset) bg_pr = bg_pr_subset[0:nr_pr] # For others bg_no_pr_subset = bg_no_pr.copy() random.Random(555).shuffle(bg_no_pr_subset) bg_no_pr = bg_no_pr_subset[0:nr_no_pr] background = bg_no_pr+bg_pr else:'Generating and scoring shuffled background') if max_bg_regions is None: background_pr = pr.PyRanges(region_names_to_coordinates(foreground)) background_sequences = pd.DataFrame([foreground, pr.get_fasta(background_pr, path_to_genome_fasta).tolist()], index=['Name', 'Sequence']).T else: if annotation is not None: annotation['End'] = annotation['Start']+promoter_space annotation['Start'] = annotation['Start']-promoter_space annotation = pr.PyRanges(annotation[['Chromosome', 'Start', 'End']]) fg_pr_overlap = pr.PyRanges(region_names_to_coordinates(foreground)).count_overlaps(annotation) if len(fg_pr_overlap) == len(foreground): nr_pr = len(foreground) elif len(fg_pr_overlap) == 0: nr_pr = 0 else: fg_pr = coord_to_region_names(fg_pr_overlap[fg_pr_overlap.NumberOverlaps != 0][['Chromosome', 'Start', 'End']]) fg_no_pr = coord_to_region_names(fg_pr_overlap[fg_pr_overlap.NumberOverlaps == 0][['Chromosome', 'Start', 'End']]) nr_pr = int(max_bg_regions*(len(fg_pr)/(len(fg_pr) + len(fg_no_pr)))) nr_no_pr = max_bg_regions-nr_pr # For promoters fg_pr_subset = fg_pr.copy() random.Random(555).shuffle(fg_pr_subset) bg_pr = fg_pr_subset[0:nr_pr] # For others fg_no_pr_subset = fg_no_pr.copy() random.Random(555).shuffle(fg_no_pr_subset) bg_no_pr = fg_no_pr_subset[0:nr_no_pr] region_names = bg_no_pr+bg_pr background_pr = pr.PyRanges(region_names_to_coordinates(region_names)) else: foreground_subset = foreground.copy() random.Random(555).shuffle(foreground_subset) region_names = foreground_subset[0:max_bg_regions] background_pr = pr.PyRanges(region_names_to_coordinates(region_names)) background_sequences = pd.DataFrame([region_names, pr.get_fasta(background_pr, path_to_genome_fasta).tolist()], index=['Name', 'Sequence']).T background_sequences['Sequence'] = [shuffle_sequence(x) for x in background_sequences['Sequence']] background_sequences['Name'] = '>' + background_sequences['Name'] background_sequences.to_csv(path_to_regions_fasta, header=False, index=False, sep='\n') # Motifs should include .cb motifs = [motif + '.cb' for motif in motifs] background = cluster_buster(cbust_path, path_to_motifs, path_to_regions_fasta=path_to_regions_fasta, n_cpu=n_cpu, motifs=motifs, **kwargs) return [foreground, background]
## Ray function for getting LogFC, pAdj and motif hits between groups @ray.remote def DEM_internal_ray(dem_db_scores: pd.DataFrame, region_group: List[List[str]], contrast_name: str, adjpval_thr: Optional[float] = 0.05, log2fc_thr: Optional[float] = 1, mean_fg_thr: Optional[float] = 0, motif_hit_thr: Optional[float] = None): """" Internal DEM function to use with ray. """ return DEM_internal(dem_db_scores, region_group, contrast_name, adjpval_thr, log2fc_thr, mean_fg_thr, motif_hit_thr)
[docs]def DEM_internal(dem_db_scores: pd.DataFrame, region_group: List[List[str]], contrast_name: str, adjpval_thr: Optional[float] = 0.05, log2fc_thr: Optional[float] = 1, mean_fg_thr: Optional[float] = 0, motif_hit_thr: Optional[float] = None): """ Internal operations for DEM. """ # Create DEM logger level = logging.INFO format = '%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s' handlers = [logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout)] logging.basicConfig(level=level, format=format, handlers=handlers) log = logging.getLogger('DEM') motifs = dem_db_scores.index.tolist() fg_mat = sparse.csc_matrix(dem_db_scores.loc[:,region_group[0]].values).toarray() if isinstance(region_group[1], list): bg_mat = sparse.csc_matrix(dem_db_scores.loc[:,region_group[1]].values).toarray() else: bg_mat = sparse.csc_matrix(region_group[1].values).toarray() # Delete db del dem_db_scores # Wilcox'Computing DEM for ' + contrast_name) wilcox_test = [ranksums(fg_mat[x], y=bg_mat[x]) for x in range(fg_mat.shape[0])] # Log2FC mean_fg = fg_mat.mean(axis=1) mean_bg = bg_mat.mean(axis=1) logFC = np.log2((mean_fg + 10 ** -12) / (mean_bg + 10 ** -12)).tolist() # P-value correction pvalue = [wilcox_test[x].pvalue for x in range(len(wilcox_test))] adj_pvalue = p_adjust_bh(pvalue) name = [contrast_name] * len(adj_pvalue) # Motif df motif_df = pd.DataFrame([logFC, adj_pvalue, mean_fg, mean_bg, name], index=[ 'Log2FC', 'Adjusted_pval', 'Mean_fg', 'Mean_bg', 'Contrast'], columns=motifs).transpose() motif_df = motif_df.loc[motif_df['Adjusted_pval'] <= adjpval_thr, :] motif_df = motif_df.loc[motif_df['Log2FC'] >= log2fc_thr, :] motif_df = motif_df.loc[motif_df['Mean_fg'] >= mean_fg_thr, :] motif_df = motif_df.sort_values( ['Log2FC', 'Adjusted_pval'], ascending=[False, True]) # Motif hits versus background keep_motifs = motif_df.index.tolist() keep_motifs_index = get_position_index(keep_motifs, motifs) scores_mat = sparse.vstack([fg_mat[keep_motifs_index,].T, bg_mat[keep_motifs_index,].T], format='csr').T regions = region_group[0] + ['Bg']*bg_mat.shape[1] labels = [1]*fg_mat.shape[1] + [0]*bg_mat.shape[1] motif_hits_list = [get_motif_hits(scores_mat[i], regions, labels, motif_hit_thr) for i in range(len(keep_motifs))] motif_hits = {keep_motifs[i]: motif_hits_list[i][0] for i in range(len(keep_motifs))} motif_df['Motif_hit_thr'] = [motif_hits_list[i][1] for i in range(len(keep_motifs))] motif_df['Motif_hits'] = [len(motif_hits_list[i][0]) for i in range(len(keep_motifs))] motif_df['Motif_hits'] = motif_df['Motif_hits'].astype(int) return motif_df, motif_hits
# Helper function to adjust p-value
[docs]def p_adjust_bh(p: float): """ Benjamini-Hochberg p-value correction for multiple hypothesis testing. """ p = np.asfarray(p) by_descend = p.argsort()[::-1] by_orig = by_descend.argsort() steps = float(len(p)) / np.arange(len(p), 0, -1) q = np.minimum(1, np.minimum.accumulate(steps * p[by_descend])) return q[by_orig]
# Helper function to determine optimal threshold for motif hits
[docs]def get_motif_hits(scores, regions, labels, optimal_threshold=None): """ Determine optimal score threshold based on precision-recall. """ df = pd.DataFrame([labels, scores.toarray()[0]], columns=regions, index=['Label', 'Score']).sample(frac=1).T if optimal_threshold is None: df = df[df['Score'] > 0] fpr, tpr, thresholds = roc_curve(df['Label'], df['Score']) optimal_idx = np.argmax(tpr - fpr) optimal_threshold = thresholds[optimal_idx] motif_hits = df[(df['Score'] > optimal_threshold) & (df['Label'] == 1)].index.to_list() return motif_hits, optimal_threshold